We wanted to let you know that the forest fire that was threatening our area has been officially extinguished, and all federal firefighters and commanders left by Saturday morning. We attended the last community fire meeting Friday night and were told that while they were expecting this fire to last much longer (“long term”), the “unexpected” large amount of rain over the last couple weeks put the fire out. The cooler temperatures and rain began two days after our request for prayer went out to Lighthouse Trails readers. Officials at the meeting on Friday night attributed the rain to “mother nature” and “luck,” but we know that our Creator’s merciful hand did this.
Thank you for all of your prayers.
P.S. Two volunteers, Art and Lynda from BC, showed up a couple days ago, and they are staying for a week. They brought their own RV. Art is staining the cedar shakes for the lodge gable ends, and Lynda is helping in the office with various tasks. We are so grateful for those who have come to help us this past summer.
We’ll have some new photos soon as our local carpenter is coming back for a couple weeks to finish up the window trim, cedar shakes, and installing three doors, all at the lodge. Dave will be getting up on scaffolding and spray staining the remaining siding. Please pray for safety for all.