Staining the Lodge


Dave stained the front face of the lodge yesterday. He thought he’d get it done since we have the scaffolding until Monday morning. The rest he can do on a ladder. It was scary watching him work three stories high, but he is always very careful.


We chose a dark brown stain called Oxford Brown. It’s got a rustic but rich look to it. Hard to tell in these photos.


The light brown strip around the building is the ledger for the deck we hope to build next spring.


One of the trees we planted this spring. We cut down about 100 trees to make way for the two buildings, and we have now planted about 37 to take their place, including: 8 quaking aspens, 5 poplars, 6 apple trees, 1 flowering crab apple, about 3 or 4 maples, 1 oak (the kind that will grow in cold weather), and some other varieties. Also planted about 12 raspberry bushes. Our tree budget is just about depleted now, but we have also been transplanting fir tree seedlings that are growing on the land, putting them where some trees were cut down for utility ditches and such.


We have to wrap chicken wire around each tree so the deer won’t get to them.


And look at this, the first fruits from our vegetable garden!


And last, it was a beautiful late afternoon yesterday. Clouds and wind were rolling in from the Rockies, cooling everything down.


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