“The Lighthouse” entry way.
This is the main entry that will be used. The north side of the building is where the porch will be.
We are almost finished staining the first coat, and the cedar battens are being applied over the rough cut wood. This is the side where the porch will go. It will run the full length of the building.
This morning we woke up to a thin layer of new snow! And to think I was thinking of the garden yesterday. You can see the blue sky in the background. This snow will be most likely be gone by the end of the day. Our two young Canadian volunteers left yesterday. We miss them. They were two sweet precious brothers in the Lord. And boy, did they ever know what they were doing in putting up this siding.
Caught this photo yesterday driving back up to the land from town. On a typical day, we see about 50-60 deer. Pretty amazing. Things are starting to green up now too, so they have plenty to eat.