We Are Dried In!!

I am happy to report that the roof tar paper is on! We also sealed all the windows and doors with plastic so technically we are dried in!! This weekend, while the men were putting the tar paper on the roof, Dave and I removed the rest of the snow and ice from inside (whew!) and using a shop vac, vacuumed up all the water. We also had two high-powered propane burners going . . . so the process of drying out the place in preparation for insulation has begun. It was a tremendous amount of work getting all the lumber scraps, ice, snow, debris out of the lodge (and my muscles are really aching today), but it was well worth it. And just as if God was looking down smiling, at one point when we were going to sit down and have our first cup of Shepherd’s tea inside the lodge with the heat of the propane burners warming our toes, the sun came out!!


Here you can see a close up of the tar paper that has been applied to the roof. This will actually hold up till spring in the even that it is too cold to put the shingles up right away. The lodge will not leak.


You can see where we have sealed off all the windows. We put some extra 2 x 4 lumber strips across the cathedral window for safety.          P1020024 P1020014


We set up a small table with a hot plate and tea kettle and had our first cup of tea at The Shepherd’s Place.


Even Jacob, our border collie, has found a spot to rest.


The sun broke through the clouds and touched the tops of the trees.


In the distance, you can see the shop, just waiting to be finished.


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