A Couple Very Productive Days at the Shepherd’s Place – Upstairs Floor and Joists Now On

These are the floor joints. The wood/propane furnace ducting will sit inside these joists.

These are the floor joints. The wood/propane furnace ducting will sit inside these joists.

This opening is where the stairway will go. You can see it takes a turn half way down.

This opening is where the stairway will go. You can see it takes a turn half way down.

Dan and Ben putting on the floor joints.

Dan and Ben putting on the floor joints.

The sub-flooring is going on. They will finish that up tomorrow then start the upstairs outside walls.  It was a good couple of days at the Shepherd's Place.

The sub-flooring is going on. They will finish that up tomorrow then start the upstairs outside walls. It was a good couple of days at the Shepherd’s Place. That yellow looped rope you see connects to the propane line.

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