8 New Trees For the Shepherd’s Place


One of the trees that Dave cut down to make way for the new shop.

I told one of the contractors the other day that the place looks a bit like a war zone with all the excavating going on. He said the beast comes before the beauty. But in the midst of all the present chaos at the land, yesterday, Dave and I purchased 8 trees from the local nursery. We bought 6 apple trees, a sugar Maple tree, and an Oak tree. Most Oak trees don’t grow well around here because of the winters, but this particular variety does. Anyway, there aren’t too many deciduous (leaf-falling) trees on the place – mostly evergreens (which, of course, we love). These 8 trees and some quaking Aspen that we will get next spring should bring some wonderful variety. Dave and I learned many years ago, when it comes to trees, not to procrastinate planting trees as it takes a couple years before they really start taking off. We also learned that the forestry department will allow people to go into the forests with a permit and dig up certain trees to use on their own land at no cost (other than the permit).

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