It’s hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since we’ve posted anything on The Shepherd’s Place blog. But here we are a year later, still working hard with Lighthouse Trails and still working on The Shepherd’s Place, one step at a time. We lost our dear friend and co-laborer in Christ, Ray Yungen, in the fall and then went through what was called the coldest snowiest winter in over 30 years here in NW Montana. But in spite of the hardships and losses, we are still here, and we are still trusting in our wonderful faithful Lord.
Dave spent every extra minute, when he wasn’t doing all the other things he does (editing, writing, building, etc.), he had last summer and fall bucking up enough wood for both buildings. He’s amazing. He does the work of someone half his age. It turns out we used about 4 cords all together, not too bad considering the winter we had.
We are excited that last week we finished the tongue and groove ceiling of the dining room at the lodge (which is the room with the wonderful view). That was a big job, but it’s done, and it turned out beautiful (and praise God, no one got hurt working on the scaffolding). We also have the kitchen appliances now (which we got before we get the cabinetry just to make sure we get the right sized cabinets). And since we have one almost finished bathroom and one almost finished bedroom, guests and volunteers can utilize the building.
Summer plans for the lodge are as follows (God willing):
June: Installing the outside porch lights (9 altogether) which is the last step of the electrical and staining the cedar boards for the interior walls in the dining room.
July: Putting up the cedar walls in the dining room.
August: Staining the boards for the tongue and groove floor of the dining room and laying as much of the floor as we can.
Fall and Winter: Looking forward to bringing in the upright piano (Dave plays beautiful hymns and praise music), getting chairs for the three wooden tables, and couches for the lounge area.
Prayer request: When we first moved onto this land two years ago, we committed The Shepherd’s Place to the Lord and asked Him that He would be glorified in all that takes place here. It is our prayer that everyone who comes here will be blessed. We have a particular deep burden for young people and ask you to join us in prayer that in His timing we might be able to launch some kind of intensive short-term discernment training here for college-age believers so that when they go to college or out into the workplace, they will be better equipped and have a strong understanding in vital issues affecting Christians today. We don’t know what that idea looks like right now or how it will come to fruition, but if it is something God wants us to be involved with, we pray that the right people will come along to help and that He will provide and make His will clear.
And now, a few photos of our progress at The Shepherd’s Place:

The new ceiling and lights in the dining room.

Six of these hang from the ceiling along with two fan/lights.

Two stained glass lamps hang over the place where the serving table will be.

One of the kitchen windows. All the windows are trimmed out now except the big ones in the dining room.

The almost finished “men’s” bathroom. Two others are still waiting to be completed.

The view from one of the kitchen windows

Spring! at The Shepherd’s Place

Dave and Jacob, while on one of our Sunday hikes.